Heineken Italian Grand Prix Formula 1

Tickets 2021 on sale

Di Silvia Sperandio

You can now buy the ticket for the Heineken Formula 1 Italian Grand Prix 2021.

The race event will take place in the Autodromo Nazionale Monza on 12 September 2021.

The circuit will be able to welcome a reduced number of people and only spectators with a European green pass will enter in the Autodromo Nazionale di Monza during the race weekend from September 10th to 12th.

The event, which marks a partial return to normality for all motorsport fans after more than a year of behind closed doors activities, will take place exactly one hundred years after the first Italian Grand Prix of 1921 in Montichiari (Brescia).

An old photo of a Grand Prix race. Foto di hei67ko da Pixabay 
Formula 1 Italian Grand Prix: how can I enter?

The Monza National Circuit will be accessible only to European Green pass holders, as established by the decree law issued by the Council of Ministers. The “Vaccination passport” will allow the Autodromo to welcome the public for all three days of the weekend, with a number of tickets on sale that will be less than 50 percent of the maximum capacity available.

In the public there will be vaccinated people, people healed from Covid-19 or people with a molecular or antigenic test negative result. Fans will be Italian or coming from all those countries allowed by the Ministry of Domestic Affairs.

For the so-called EU digital COVID certified holders (European Green pass), seats on the stands and bleachers will be sold online every day of the race. 

There will be the opportunity to pay for a “weekend ticket” that will allow the spectator to access the circuit on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at a promotional price too. In the case of new government measures allowing more people in the Circuit, the number of seats assigned at the time of purchase could be modified as a result of a reduction in distance.

Formula 1 Italian Grand Prix: How can I buy a ticket?

You can buy your ticket on the official website of the Circuit www.monzanet.it and on Ticketone website www.ticketone.it. which is the only authorized retailer. Please mind that it will not be possible to buy tickets at the entrance of the National Circuit Monza.

The only way is to buy tickets in advance through the indicated sales channels. 

To access the event, it will be necessary to complete a check-in procedure, similar to the one used in airports, that will help tracking spectators in order to guarantee the protection of the public health.

Racing car_Foto di smellypumpy da Pixabay 

The Formula 1 Heineken Grand Prix of Italy 2021: The week-end calendar

The Formula 1 Heineken Grand Prix of Italy 2021 takes into account the debut of the new Sprint Qualifying on Saturday, September 11, from 4.30 pm to 5 pm.

The new format will determine the Sunday grid for the Grand Prix, it will consist of a fast and spectacular race of approximately 100 km with all the cars on the track. This activity will be preceded by an hour of free practice on Saturday morning at 12 pm.

On Friday, instead, there will be the first one-hour free practice from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm and qualifying sessions from 6 pm to 7 pm that will determine the starting grid of the Sprint Qualifying the next day.

On Sunday the standard program will remain the same with the race starting at 3 pm.

Throughout the weekend, the Fan Zones will guarantee entertainment activities for the public and spectators in the stands will be able to follow all the track sessions and live connections of F1 TV reporters through the maxi screens installed in the Circuit, not to miss even a minute of the action and the “behind the scenes” of the event. This year Monza National Circuit will offer a variety of activities which won’t be exclusively sport-related.

If the event is declared behind door closed or if it is necessary to reduce the number of seats available due to the change in legislation linked to the epidemiological situation, excess tickets already purchased will be refunded for the full value of the face price, according to a priority order based on the purchase date. More information about tickets and how to access the event are available on www.monzanet.it.

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Silvia Sperandio
Silvia Sperandiohttp://www.enjoyitalygo.com
Editore e fondatore di EnjoyItalyGo.com, ha una vasta esperienza nel raccontare storie coinvolgenti e nell'informare il pubblico su temi di interesse culturale e turistico. Giornalista pubblicista iscritta all'Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti con tessera nr. 186721  Consulente: Grazie alla sua esperienza nel settore dell'ospitalità, del food & beverage e della comunicazione, offre consulenza strategica per ottimizzare attività operative e migliorare la presenza sul mercato di riferiemento. Project Manager specializzata nella gestione operativa di reti d'impresa nel settore turistico, aiuta le aziende a collaborare in modo efficace per massimizzare le opportunità di business. Analizza le procedure alla ricerca di vulnerabilità operative, trasformandole in soluzioni che, una volta testate e convalidate, diventano parte integrante del manuale operativo. Inoltre, progetta e facilita i processi di ambiente aziendale interculturale. Formatore professionale: eroga corsi di formazione professionale su comunicazione, accoglienza, leadership, ospitalità e food & beverage, sia per aziende che per enti pubblici e privati. Il suo approccio alla formazione si basa sull'acquisizione di competenze pratiche e sulla creazione di un ambiente di apprendimento stimolante e coinvolgente. I corsi possono avere una certificazione regionale se preventivamente richiesta e per le aziende c'è la possibilità di accedervi tramite formazione finanziata.

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