By Angelica Perrotta and translated by Jack Davidson Walmsley

Naples is a city steeped in history, but also myths and legends regarding spirits and ghosts.

Each and every corner of the city has its own story to tell, but it is in the historic centre, the largest in Europe, that many tales have come to life over the centuries and still survive to this very day.

Among these alleyways you will find a very fascinating one named after La bella ‘Mbriana (The Beautiful ‘Mbriana).

Magnifica veduta di Napoli e il mare. EnjoyItalyGo_Campania_Napoli_Foto di Lajos Móricz da Pixabay

According to Neapolitan folklore, La Bella ‘Mbriana, is a good ghost until you upset her.

The spirit of ‘Mbriana is an unidentified figure that quickly disappears when observed and apparently visits people’s houses only during the hottest hours of the day and hides in between curtain folds, blowing in the wind.

She is believed to resemble a gecko, regarded as a kind guardian of every household and it’s inhabitants, keen on tidiness, cleanliness, kindness and hospitality; But her appearance is so fuzzy that no one can see her clearly.

However, she can be very nasty and punish those who offend her, not tolerating grime, clutter and those who complain about their homes.

It is even said that she absolutely cannot bear renovations and that, if she hears about them or sees any work being done, in revenge she might even cause the death of a family member.

It was once custom to greet the Bella ‘Mbriana when entering and leaving any household, to make her feel welcome and appreciated and to not enrage her, for fear of the consequences.

Due to her short temper, there was never any talk indoors regarding relocation and a chair was always left free for her at the table so that she could  sit and rest at any time.

@EnjoyItalyGo Angelica Perrotta_ Campania_Napoli_veduta della città

But who was the Bella ‘Mbriana?

The legend perhaps originates from the story of a beautiful girl, some say even a princess, who was abandoned before her wedding and who, driven mad by grief at the loss of her beloved, began to wander aimlessly, in despair, through the streets of the city, wearing her white dress.

At one point she would slip into houses, many say to see what family life could have been like for her.

The Neapolitan people, who were always hospitable and ready to come to the aid of the needy, welcomed her into their homes, giving her refreshment and nourishment and letting her rest.

It seems that the girl’s father, according to some, a king, had her followed secretly and, grateful for the welcome given to his daughter, sent gifts to the houses where she had been hosted to show his gratitude.

Overtime, somehow, the myth regarding the girl shaped into a gecko, which is why it is believed that when one is seen in the house, it should not be chased away, because it brings good luck.

@EnjoyItalyGo-Angelica Perrotta. Vicoli di Napoli

The origin of the name

The name may have originated from the term meridiana, due to the characteristic of the spirit to appear during the sunniest hours of the day. Others attribute its origin to the term mariana, a shadow under which it is possible to find shelter.

The first written traces of the story of the Bella ‘Mbriana date back to the Baroque era, by the writer Giambattista Basile, who mentions her in one of his stories.

The Neapolitans know that some stories are rather far-fetched or fictional, but in a city where spirits, ghosts and phantoms are everywhere, the charm remains intact over time and, even if with a certain amount of scepticism, “secretly”, almost everyone still believes it a little.

Angelica Perrotta – Collaboratrice EnjoyItalyGo

Benvenuti a Napoli e buona visita!

Angelica Perrotta: Molto curiosa, amante degli animali ed appassionata di viaggi. Cerco di coniugare pregresse esperienze con recenti passioni: Laurea in Lingue e Letterature Straniere, lunga esperienza nel settore alberghiero ed una recente passione per il Digital Marketing.
Il mio motto è “Always on the move”.

Building a Cathedral is no easy task; If we talk about the Duomo of Milan then our thoughts run backwards and evoke moments and situations that for us are not even imaginable.
If you are curious, open to new opportunities and passionate about gastronomy the Grotto del
Sorriso is the right place for you; A venue where a conviviality which was once typical of the
trattorias of the past reigns eternally.
Silvia Sperandio
Silvia Sperandio
Editore e fondatore di, ha una vasta esperienza nel raccontare storie coinvolgenti e nell'informare il pubblico su temi di interesse culturale e turistico. Giornalista pubblicista iscritta all'Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti con tessera nr. 186721  Consulente: Grazie alla sua esperienza nel settore dell'ospitalità, del food & beverage e della comunicazione, offre consulenza strategica per ottimizzare attività operative e migliorare la presenza sul mercato di riferiemento. Project Manager specializzata nella gestione operativa di reti d'impresa nel settore turistico, aiuta le aziende a collaborare in modo efficace per massimizzare le opportunità di business. Analizza le procedure alla ricerca di vulnerabilità operative, trasformandole in soluzioni che, una volta testate e convalidate, diventano parte integrante del manuale operativo. Inoltre, progetta e facilita i processi di ambiente aziendale interculturale. Formatore professionale: eroga corsi di formazione professionale su comunicazione, accoglienza, leadership, ospitalità e food & beverage, sia per aziende che per enti pubblici e privati. Il suo approccio alla formazione si basa sull'acquisizione di competenze pratiche e sulla creazione di un ambiente di apprendimento stimolante e coinvolgente. I corsi possono avere una certificazione regionale se preventivamente richiesta e per le aziende c'è la possibilità di accedervi tramite formazione finanziata.

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