Kit Edu900, Museum calling all schools!

By Silvia Sperandio

Translated by Jack Davidson Walmsley

Primary school children can finally take a virtual trip to Milan, to discover the works of art of the 20th century, at the Museo del Novecento in Piazza Duomo right in the heart of the city.The online tour is provided with high definition videos and the contents are  easily accessible and downloadable by schools and families alike.

Kit Edu900 is a project carried out by the department at the Museo del Novecento that designs and manages educational and teaching activities, in collaboration with “Stem in the city”, which is an initiative of the City of Milan to spread the importance of culture and digital knowledge among children, with the contribution of “Studio Susanna Legrenzi” and the “Grande Fabbrica delle Parole”.What follows are the comments expressed by the local Culture Councillor for the Municipality of Milan, Filippo Del Corno:“The current health emergency has had a major impact on schools and cultural institutions, prompting them to rethink the way they communicate with the public and opening up new challenges and scenarios. The use of digital educational and didactic resources is a useful tool in this historical moment and is of primary importance for schools and museums, which are key players for the growth of a healthy community thanks to their ability to spread the culture of beauty and create a sense of belonging even in the youngest of citizens”.In the Didactics section of the website you can find all the programmes and interactive workshop paths proposed by the Museum to children with the EDU900 project. – A way to bring children closer to the world of art with the aim of enhancing and making them enjoy the museum’s heritage from an inclusive and participatory point of view through interdisciplinary programming, focused on the themes of accessibility, mediation and interculturality – as explained by the Museum itself.

Il Museo del 900 and the Municipality of Milan

The Museum also participates in networks and initiatives such as F@MU (National Day of Families at the Museum) and Il Mio Amico Museo (My Friend the Museum), a network of museums across the Municipality of Milan, created specifically to bring children together and to share the best Milanese cultural offerings.

The Educational programme during the times of Covid

Commenting on the digital initiatives proposed by the Museo del Novecento, the local Councillor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services Roberta Cocco has said:<<The programme schedule for “Stem in the city” is enriched by two initiatives that, thanks to digitalization, have managed to connect culture, didactics and education in a sadly historical moment in which we have had to completely readapt our way of life. Young people are using technology as a learning tool, to accompany the irreplaceable work of teachers, and they know they can count on a valid ally to learn new things and, as in this case, to discover the artistic and cultural treasures of our city”>>.In fact, the new online itinerary will implement EDU900’s existing offer which was born thanks to the initiative “Museo Chiama Scuola”.Existing as an invitation to learn and reflect on a selection of works from the Museum’s archives through the completely digital and freely downloadable use of thirty forms dedicated to thirty masterpieces allocated in the permanent collection.An excellent initiative to support teaching in a time of great change like the one we are experiencing now due to COVID.

Lavoro nel mondo del turismo da sempre, in hotel, in ristoranti e compagnie aeree dove ho avuto anche Niki Lauda come capo. Dal 2017 organizzo corsi di formazione professionale per varie realtà nel mondo dell’ospitalità fra le quali A.L.P.A. (Associazione Lombarda Portieri d’Albergo); U.I.P.A. (Unione Italiana Portieri d’Albergo); FORMATEMP. Mi occupo di consulenza e formazione nel campo del turismo, Hospitality e food and beverage. EnjoyItalyGo è il mio nuovo progetto, di cui sono fondatrice, attraverso il quale desidero far conoscere il genius loci dell’Italia, nel mondo. Sono innamorata dell’Italia e insieme ai talentuosi redattori di EIG e ai molti professionisti con cui collaboro, ve la farò scoprire! Linkedin.

I have always worked in the world of tourism, in hotels, restaurants and airlines where I also had Niki Lauda as a boss. Since 2017 I have been organizing professional training courses for various realities in the hospitality world, including A.L.P.A. (Lombard Association of Hotel Porters); U.I.P.A. (Italian Union of Hotel Porters); FORMAT TEMP. I deal with consulting and training in the field of tourism, hospitality and food and beverage. EnjoyItalyGo is my new project, of which I am the founder, through which I want to make known the genius loci of Italy in the world. I am in love with Italy and together with the talented editors of EIG and the many professionals I work with, I will let you discover it! Linkedin. 
Jack Walmsley, British blood but Italian in his heart. Passionate about Rugby, Food, Nature and Mixology (Gin in particular). Aspiring member of the Golden Keys currently in force at the Park Hyatt Milan as Night Goalkeeper, the undisputed reality of Milanese hospitality. The Lockdown was a hard blow for me, but I can't wait to get back in the game!

Jack Walmsley, sangue Britannico ma Italiano nel cuore. Appassionato di Rugby, Cibo, Natura e Mixology (Gin in particolare). Membro aspirante delle Chiavi d’oro attualmente in forza al Park Hyatt Milano come Portiere Notturno, realta’ indiscussa dell´ospitalita´ Milanese. Il Lockdown per me e´stato un duro colpo, ma non vedo l’ora di rimettermi in gioco! Traduco i testi in inglese per EnjoyItalyGo. Linkedin

Redazione EnjoyItalyGo
Redazione EnjoyItalyGo
Viaggiamo in Italia alla scoperta di luoghi meravigliosi da proporti per farti vivere un'esperienza unica ed indimenticabile. Noi della redazione di EnjoyItalyGo siamo prima di tutto un gruppo di amici che condivide la passione per il turismo e lo vede da prospettive differenti. Ciascuno di noi vive il turismo quotidianamente lavorandoci dentro! Silvia, Ugo e Jack operano nell'Hospitality a stretto contatto sia con i manger dell'ospitalità che con gli Ospiti dell'albergo; Ambra è un Hotel Manager; Elena è un vulcano di idee in costante eruzione e ha un punto di vista mooolto curioso ed autentico, mentre Olga è arrivata in Italia da turista e qui è rimasta avendo trovato l'amore. Andrea è appassionato di storia e di sport Abbiamo unito idee e talenti per metterli a vostra disposizione. Parlarti dell'Italia per noi è passione, emozione, è farti fare un'esperienza. Il Bel Paese è ricco di tutto questo, nella sua storia, all'interno di una ricetta o di un bicchiere di vino, dentro un museo. Passeggiando tra le vie di borghi e città oppure fra sentieri immersi nella natura, scoprirai con noi angoli insoliti ed affascinanti. resta solo da preparare la valigia e partire! Buona lettura La Redazione di EnjoyItalygo

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