By Marta Roncalli
Translation by Jack Davidson Walmsley
Cultural landmarks have officially reopened in almost all of Italy, offering a first glimmer of hope.
Following the Italian ministerial provisions of the 29th of January 2021, in the regions within the “Yellow Zone” and only on weekdays, museums can reopen, with restrictions on entry and safety distance of at least one meter between people.
With the exception of Sicily, Umbria and Puglia which are still in the “Orange Zone”, and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano which has returned to be a “Red Zone”.
What was supposed to happen – Public Tactile Omero Museum in Ancona

The 19th Century and Contemporary section of the Public Tactile Omero Museum will open offering the experience of Art as civil memory.
Since the 27th of December 2020 it has hosted Giovanni Gaggia’s work entitled “What was supposed to happen”, curated by Stefano Verri with his personal one-to-one multi-voice interventions.
What was supposed to happen is a tapestry created by the Marche-based artist and performer on the fortieth anniversary of the Ustica massacre, which ideally closes a cycle that has engaged Giovanni Gaggia for ten years and conceptually resumes the one created five years ago a few steps from the Mole, under the Trajan Arch.
The work is accompanied by a series of sound contributions in which people active in the world of Italian art and culture propose their own personal reflections on the relationship between art and memory.
In a final event planned for the end of the exhibition on the 12th of March 2021, Giovanni Gaggia will seal the work in a metal tube with a Braille inscription and it will remain permanently at the Museum.
The permanent exhibition called Magic Realism by Mario Giacomelli was inaugurated in the Palazzo del Duca in Senigallia. Photographs are from the Civic Collection.

2020 marked the twentieth anniversary of Mario Giacomelli’s death. The City of Senigallia, City of Photography, continues to pay homage in 2021 to one of the international maestros of 20th century photography. An entire wing of the Palazzo del Duca has been allocated to the permanent exhibition of his works donated in the 1990s by the artist: 80 selected photographs, displayed in collaboration with the Giacomelli archives represented by the two directors Simone Giacomelli and Katiuscia Biondi.
This is not a temporary exhibition, but a real museum. It was conceived to tell the story of Giacomelli’s poetic and artistic world, through an innovative interpretation of his work. The chosen pictures are on public display for the first time.
In addition, a temporary exhibition (which will remain until the 30th of May 2021) at Palazzetto Baviera.

La Biennale light art- Mantua
Curated by Vittorio Erlindo and hosted in the Casa di Andrea Mantegna, La Biennale light art of Mantua continues. The exhibition entitled “L’elogio della luce tra destrutturazione e ricostruzione degli spazi” has been extended until the 9th of April 2021.
Museums reopen also in Mantua.
The city offers a challenge between Italian and international light art in a building by one of Italy’s most important artists and architects. Under the general curatorship of art critic Vittorio Erlindo, it has been created with the support of Eni, Main Partner of the event; Consisting of two sections: Light Art, with 21 artists, curated by Vittorio Erlindo, and Black light, with 13 artists, curated by Gisella Gellini and Gaetano Corica.

REWILD, Prologue: Diatoms in the multiverse – Galleria d’Arte il Vicolo, Milan
In Milan, REWILD, Prologue: Diatoms in the multiverse will be on show until the 21st of March 2021 at the Galleria d’Arte il Vicolo. REWILD is an art project with a social and non-profit slant that aims to make people think about issues related to Climate Change. Conceived, curated and realised by the creative collective The Curators Milan, it’s developed in six installations. Throughout the year they will combine art, design and new technologies with the aim of making people reflect on the concept of empathy through which we can stimulate the protection of the planet’s biodiversity and with it our very existence.
Prologue: Diatoms in the multiverse is the first multisensory and immersive installation that will tell the story of diatoms, single-celled organisms responsible for 50% of all the oxygen needed for the biochemical balance of the planet.

Finally, Milan celebrates Enzo Mari. His adopted and chosen city hosts two exhibitions: one entitled Hammer and Sickle. Three of the ways in which an artist can contribute to the class struggle, open from the 30th of September to the 16th of January 2021, at the Galleria Milano, in Via Manin 13, and the other entitled Enzo Mari curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, held at the Triennale, from the 17th of October to the 13th of April 2021.
Apart from the historical importance of international scope of both events, which undoubtedly has to do with their protagonist, their exceptionality also lies in the fact that they are the first major exhibitions dedicated to design after the lockdown and the long period of cultural apnoea that followed it. Almost fifty years later, the Milanese cultural space is proposing a faithful reproduction of the exhibition that launched the Gallery’s activities, namely Mari’s exhibition dedicated to the symbol of the class struggle.
Reconstructed philologically thanks to a research operation that mainly involved the Galleria Milano Archives and the Enzo Mari Archives, the works on show all depict the hammer and sickle. The protagonists are a large wooden sculpture, wool flags silkscreened in different colours, a lithograph reproducing the research with 168 symbols and a silkscreen in two colours.

Jack Walmsley, British blood but Italian in his heart. Passionate about Rugby, Food, Nature and Mixology (Gin in particular). Aspiring member of the Golden Keys currently in force at the Park Hyatt Milan as Night Goalkeeper, the undisputed reality of Milanese hospitality. The Lockdown was a hard blow for me, but I can't wait to get back in the game!
Jack Walmsley, sangue Britannico ma Italiano nel cuore. Appassionato di Rugby, Cibo, Natura e Mixology (Gin in particolare). Membro aspirante delle Chiavi d’oro attualmente in forza al Park Hyatt Milano come Portiere Notturno, realta’ indiscussa dell´ospitalita´ Milanese. Il Lockdown per me e´stato un duro colpo, ma non vedo l’ora di rimettermi in gioco! Traduco i testi in inglese per EnjoyItalyGo. Linkedin

Marta Roncalli Studentessa di Scienze politiche, Comunicazione e Società e giovane fotografa, mi appassiona il mondo dell’editoria e della comunicazione visiva. Curiosa e dinamica, mi piace imparare continuamente cose nuove e nel contempo fare esperienze sul campo attuando ciò che precedentemente ho appreso. Le lingue straniere e la fotografia sono per me potenti mezzi espressivi ed interessanti strumenti per conoscere la realtà. LinkedIn.
Collaboro con EnjoyItalyGo da Gennaio 2021